Today is a Good Day!

In my world, we take days one at a time. Literally. I do my best to appreciate each day for what it is… If I am having a good day and someone says, “How are you? I will respond, “Today is a good day”. We celebrate the good days, because, well, let’s be honest, not all days are good. Today, my friends, today is a good day.

Today a young man is facing his demons head on, seeking help for his addiction. Today is a good day because he made that decision for himself and is committing to the hard, rewarding journey of recovery ahead of him. He wants to heal. He chooses life.

Today is a good day because those that love him most, they will get the best night sleep they have had in a while knowing he is safe. They will start to feel hope again. I know from experience, the days leading up to this “good day”, were very long, not good days. Those are the days we don’t want to talk about because they are very painful and scary. When your loved one agrees to treatment you are so thankful… then you panic because the reality of “I don’t care what it cost” becomes a “crap, it cost that much!” Really, really fast.

Unfortunately, good treatment facilities cost money. Many addicts and their families spend thousands upon thousands of dollars getting their son or husband or father help. By the time they decided it’s time for a year long program such as No Longer Bound, they have run out of patience with the addict and funds for more treatment.

Today was a good day because Tea and Cake had the honor of granting a scholarship to this young man who is ready to fight the good fight at No Longer Bound. Today was a good day because we had the ability to do it because of so many generous donors. We cannot do what we do without you!!!


And if you would love to help more men find freedom from their addiction- We would be ever so grateful!!! Please click here
